Going in circles wondering how to hire senior executives? From pre-search preparation to the final interview, you need to be on the ball with tailor-made tactics to attract the very best. After all, the growth and success of your company depends on it. Remember, you’re drawing from a much shallower talent pool. With less room for error, your approach needs to be watertight. Senior executive candidates will be savvy and particular, and you should be too. Stay one step ahead and make every move count – much like chess, but in this game, both sides win.
How To Hire Senior Executives?
Sound technical? Don’t worry, we’re here to take the pressure off with our four top tips on how to hire senior executives.
- Develop an ideal candidate profilePreparation, preparation, preparation. Without defining a clear vision of desirable characteristics, you’ll find it hard to convey an attractive offer. Think about your company’s long-term needs, the requirements of the role, and the ideal piece you need to fit the puzzle. With this in mind, pinpoint personality traits, experience and desirable attributes to paint a candidate profile. Clarity on this gives you purpose and prevents a scattershot approach that could see you circling back to square one.
- Seek a strong cultural fitYour company culture is what makes you unique. When everyone buys in, the wheels turn smoother and work-related performance improves, sharpening your competitive edge. Naturally, senior executives are highly influential on other employees as they drip-feed this down through the ranks. Of course, qualifications, skills, and experience are hugely important for such roles. But if a candidate can’t gel with your teams to grow towards a common goal, you could be taking a backwards step. That’s why you need to seek a strong cultural fit and find someone who can do both.
- Add personalised value to your offerWhen hiring senior executives, it’s as much about them as it is you. Defining what you want is important, but who’s to say you’re good enough for them? In this candidate-short market, you need to be prepared to turn their head. An attractive salary alone won’t quite cut it – the right individual is likely to be career driven, and wants to feel appreciated by the company. Tailoring your job offer to them is a great way to acknowledge this. Get to know the person behind the application and consider offering benefits, incentives and perks to match.
- Listen to their ideasA crucial attribute of any senior hire is their ability to drive the business forward and fuel growth. Completing day-to-day responsibilities is great, but what can they bring to the table that isn’t already there? Listening to their ideas and giving them a platform to express their vision for the role offers a useful glimpse into how they might operate on the job. If they present a keen grasp of what’s expected of them, with a fresh outlook on how they plan to thrive in the company, you might be onto a winner.
How Can Propel Change Your Fuel Potential?
To keep up with a fast-moving digital world, you need leaders in place to invigorate your team and champion growth. It’s all about finding the perfect blend of skills and cultural fit, which is exactly what we specialise in. At Propel, our experts know what is important when recruiting senior staff and how to attract the best talent to merge and evolve with your company. We’ve spent over 15 years building a network and honing our expertise to help businesses like yours secure the best senior talent across commercial, operational, marketing, technical and creative positions. Our team adds a human touch to technical processes. Visit our senior appointments and executive search page today to find out how we can help you.