We are delighted to announce the promotion of Ben Dalzell to Chief Operating Officer.
This is a massive milestone for Propel, who’ve never been in this position to make such an appointment. Ben, who has been here just shy of 3 years, has transformed the way the business operates on a day-to-day basis significantly.
Our Founder and CEO Melina Jacovou had a few words to say about the promotion:
"A massive congratulations to Ben who has been promoted to our Chief Operating Officer at Propel. Since joining Propel, Ben has made himself indispensable and a crucial member of the team in the mission to our continued success. Working side by side with Ben has been nothing but a pleasure and his efforts have truly helped to reshape the whole business’s operating rhythm.
On a personal note, I feel really excited about continuing to work with him and continuing our journey of success. Ben truly is a great human being who shares all the same values as myself and the business, long may his time at Propel continue!”
Here are some words from Ben on his recent appointment as Chief Operating Officer:
“On a personal level, this is my biggest achievement in my career, and I feel honoured it’s during my time at Propel, a business I truly believe in. The values of our business are so clear, that every individual we hire resonates with them.
We have exceptional leaders throughout the team, as well as future leaders - my philosophy is always making sure every single person has the next step in sight, no matter what level you are at, there is always room for opportunity and growth. We do so much as a business around ‘being your true self’ - we operate with absolute transparency and we want everyone in the business to feel that.
The main driver of Propel is our brand essence #TogetherWorks. We are a business built around our values, powered by genuine teamwork. I truly believe we have the right people to do things the right way. We celebrate as a whole business, not once a year but every month and every quarter, everything we do, we do together which is why I think we truly have something special at Propel and I thoroughly enjoy working with every individual within the business.
The last 12 months have been incredible for us, we have never been stronger in terms of our people, our brand, our tech, our performance and our culture - it’s going to be a very exciting year for everyone here at Propel"