Flexible working is no longer a temporary solution. In fact, since the pandemic, many companies have chosen to lock in this model for good. But how does it benefit your recruitment, and what is flexible working for you? We hear terms like ‘remote’, ‘hybrid’ and ‘on-site’ thrown around quite often. But to be truly flexible, you need to empower employees with fluidity around time as well as location. Removing restrictions on when and where your people work is proving to be a winning formula for many. And for some window-shopping candidates, it’s a deal breaker.
Benefits of Flexible Working
On board yet? If you still need a little persuading, take a look at the following benefits of flexible working, and discover how they can help build your most talented team yet.
Raises employee satisfaction
A flexible workplace is a happy workplace. With more control of their own formula, employees feel empowered, respected and motivated, and have a healthier work-life balance to show for it. As an employer, it’s a strong symbol that you have your people's best interests at heart, and more importantly, that you trust them. It’s no secret that employees don’t like being micromanaged. Adopting flexible work patterns allows you to lead rather than supervise. And with a more satisfied team under your wing, your company will experience positive effects.
Increases productivity
Everyone’s working style is different. Some prefer the hustle and bustle of the office, while others prefer the peace and tranquility of their home. All teams have their early birds, just as they have their late risers. And many like to mix it up. That’s the beauty of flexible work hours and freedom of location. Yet this doesn’t mean you have to take a free-for-all approach. Simply offer your team a little more control, and they’ll be better placed to perform at their best. You might even find productivity, efficiency and overall company agility shoots up. And as more gets done in less time, business goals soon become much more achievable.
Provides a cost-efficient and eco-friendly choice
After a costly pandemic, and with the world heating up, there are two things companies and their employees are committed to saving – money, and the planet. Conveniently, flexible work arrangements allow you to do both. By adopting remote or hybrid working models, employees cut back on travel, food and clothing expenses. Meanwhile, employers can save money on office overheads, potentially even relocating to a smaller HQ. Naturally, less commuting and fewer on-site demands lower your overall carbon footprint – a flexible, cost-effective, and sustainable win for all.
Improves rates of attraction and retention
You don’t need us to tell you how disruptive losing valuable team members can be. But retaining top talent becomes a lot easier when you can offer them more than a nice wage and holiday allowance. As we’ve shown, employees can gain a lot from flexible working. Adopt it in your workplace and you’ll be rewarded with staff loyalty. Searching for new candidates? Flexible working wins again, so be sure to have it front and centre in your employer brand. From the outside looking in, your company comes across as forward-thinking, respectful of a work-life balance, and ready to meet its employees’ needs. Glowing qualities that will help you land the best staff.
Propel your workforce
Whether you’re building from the ground up or attracting senior talent, getting on board with the many types of flexible working is a must. Candidates regard it so highly that traditional 9-to-5 job offers are being cast aside. So, what are you waiting for? Adapt your workplace, enhance your employer brand and let Propel do the rest. Attracting talent with flexible opportunities is second nature to us. We work with your company to help define what makes you special, then launch this out into the job sphere. Propel isn’t about transactions or quick gains – we prefer strong relationships and long-term results. Contact us here to learn more about our winning formula.